Belt presses

100% automatic filtration with high efficiency

Sieve belt presses or belt filters are used to purify both municipal and industrial sludge. They have a useful dewatering width of 500 to 3,000 mm, with 5 to 15 dewatering rolls. The dry-matter content in the cake can go in organic waste water sludge up to 25 percent, while for some types of inorganic sludges more than 60 percent is achievable. Popular applications are in wastewater treatment, soil purification and fruit juice processing.

A sieve belt press comprises two permeable belts which roll over each other and in between the sludge is squeezed. In a first dewatering zone, the sludge is dewatered by gravity and moved by reversible plows over the entire bandwidth. In the press area, the pressure on the sludge is gradually increasing. Under the influence of the rising pressure and the developed shear forces, the sludge is dewatered optimally. A plastic scraper on the end of the machine, removes the compressed sludge cake from the belt. The belt is cleaned under water pressure and the cycle starts again.

Advantages of the sieve belt press:

  • Continuous separation technique (not a batch process)
  • No manual intervention required for cleaning the belt (self-cleaning spraying nozzles)
  • Very large pre-dewatering and press zone
  • Maximum dewatering by cracking the sludge cake during passage around the rollers
  • Maximum number of rollers in a compact machine
  • All filtrate collecting tanks are made of stainless steel
  • Up to 15 rollers possible for an extra high dry matter content

WFT also provides for belt filter presses all the needed peripherals to achieve a reliable filter unit.

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