More than 40 years of experience in industrial filtration systems

Welders Filtration Technology designs and manufactures industrial filter systems . Since its start in 1982 under the flag of Welders NV, on its own feet since 1990, Welders Filtration Technology ( WFT ) T is the leading specialist in filter presses, belt filter presses, thickening tables and thickening drums.

With roots in Aalst (Belgium) we operate worldwide and are specialized a variety of applications in the process industry, public and industrial waste water sector.

WFT SA as a partner in filtration solutions

Our clients, ranging from Umicore, Aquafin, FrieslandCampina over Arcelor, Ashland and many others choose WFT because of the expertise and know-how we have accumulated over the years. We also offer solutions and guidance from start to finish.

Our specially trained engineers find for each project a custom-designed solution. We come on site for a detailed preliminary study. Once the concept is engineered, the filter is constructed in our production facilities. After a test period at WFT, we follow the installation at the customer site. We provide transportation, installation and adjustment of the filtration system to allow you to start immediately. If your filter system is difficult to access , we have the right expertise to install your system via the roof, a side wall or anywhere else if necessary .

Maintenance, repair and protection of filter systems

Do you already have a filter? Then Welders Filtration Technology is the reliable party to keep your equipment in perfect condition. Our experienced technicians monitor the efficiency of the plant and intervene if necessary, to guarantee you high efficiency equipment based on global regulation standards.

WFT, your partner in maintenance and repair of filter systems

We also supply components either for own projects or for systems from other manufacturers such as filter plates, filter cloths, hydraulic components, safety light curtains, safety grids , (plate) transport systems, support structures, and so on.

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